Ok, to relieve the stress of buying a house (we close in about 4 hours), I have been playing with Pugs
I have been working on translating what I feel are interesting pieces of p5 code that I wrote at the Monastery in p6 so that people can see how easy the transition will be as well as show off some of p6's more powerful features.
Well as you can imagine, Pugs isn't feature complete. Instead of working around the limitations which Perl is great at letting you do (timtowtdi), I am waiting until the right features are implemented because of the target audience. Here is a list of items that I have found lacking and their status:
1. @array.end (implemented)
2. last if defined $var; (implemented)
3. next/redo (unimplemented)
4. my $int = sub returns Int { ... } (the returns TYPE is unimplemented)
5. for @array -> $_ is rw { ... } (the is rw is todo but currently unimplemented)
6. A way to get the matched values from any() eq any() comparison (unlikely to work without defining your own infix operator)
Until next time